Вступительные экзамены в аспирантуру ЦЭПЛ РАН в 2017 г.

  С 1 ИЮЛЯ ПО 25 АВГУСТА 2017 ГОДА ПРОВОДЯТСЯ ВСТУПИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ЭКЗАМЕНЫ В АСПИРАНТУРУ ЦЭПЛ РАН ПО НАПРАВЛЕНИЯМ ПОДГОТОВКИ: Биологические науки: 06.06.01, направленность (профиль) «Экология»: 03.02.08 Лесное хозяйство: 35.06.02, направленность (профиль) «Лесоведение, лесоводство, лесоустройство и лесная таксация», в соответствии с контрольными цифрами приема: Биологические науки: 06.06.01, направленность (профиль) «Экология»: 03.02.08 – 1 место Лесное хозяйство: […]

By Александра Плотникова | News

European Forest Institute – the partner of CEPF

  European Forest Institute  

By Александра Плотникова | News

Esko Aho open lecture and expert discussion brief report

  Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO together with the European Forest Institute held an open lecture with the Former Prime-Minister of Finland Mr. Esko Aho and expert discussion on the topic “What Does Bioeconomy Offer For Long-Term Strategic Cooperation Between Europe And Russia”. The event took place at the campus of the Moscow School of […]

By Александра Плотникова | News

1st scientific meeting on CPSR project development

  1st scientific meeting on complex plan of scientific research (CPSR) project development in the framework of the Program of fundamental scientific research of the state academies of science for 2013-2020 on the topic “Ecological, social and economic threats of forest degradation in Russia under global change and ways to prevent it” – CPSR “Forest” […]

By Александра Плотникова | News

Award for knowledge about forests popularization

  Viktor Nefedyev, DSc in geography, researcher from CEPF RAS was awarded under nomination “Book for children” for his tales about Russian forest. Works of V. Nefedyev were supported by the commission of the award “Imperial culture” under nomination “Book for children” named after professor Eduard Volodin, “New book of Russia” journal, Ioann Zlatoust Fund […]


Scientific collaboration with colleagues from Belarus

  An article “Twenty-five years after: forest or field?” by D. Ershov and E. Tikhonova summarizing results on the research of CEPF RAS scientists on abandoned agricultural lands reforestation was published in the newspaper of the national park “Smolenskoe Poozerye”.  

By Александра Плотникова | News

New data base registered

  The accreditation certificate of the state registry of the data base “Palynological pits and archaeological settlements of the South of West Siberian Plane” was received. Kharitonenkov under the supervision of Prof. O. Smirnova developed spatial and chronological data base in McAccess in the framework of his research on the role of humans in formation […]


Presentations: Ecology for everybody

  Olga Smirnova, DSc in biology, Professor in CEPF RAS prepared series of presentations “Ecology for everybody: basis for nature conservation and restoration” devoted to fundamentals of two sciences: biosystem ecology and historical ecology.  

By Александра Плотникова | News
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