Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “SCIENTIFIC FOUNDATIONS OF SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT”, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the CEPF RAS

(Russia, Moscow, April 2022)

At the conference, reports of leading experts and discussion of topical issues on the problems of sustainable forest management are planned. Main directions:

  • History of nature management, climate and forest biogeocenosis cover;
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem functions of forests;
  • Preservation of intact forest areas as a basis for adaptation to modern climate change;
  • Development of forest climate projects;
  • Remote sensing methods and GIS technologies for assessing the resource potential, biodiversity and ecosystem functions of forests;
  • Digital mapping of forest ecosystems;
  • Impact of fires on forests: damage, death, pyrogenic emissions;
  • Goals and objectives of modern forest policy;
  • Forestry in the context of global changes.

The conference will be held in the building of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st., 84/32). Plenary, oral and poster presentations are planned.

More extensive information about the conference (registration deadlines, design and scope of abstract rules) will be sent in the second letter and posted on the conference website.



Phone number: +74997430014

The organizing committee of the conference will be very grateful to you for disseminating this information.